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The Susie and Alan B. Levan Family Foundation
One of the first pledges made by the Susie and Alan B. Levan Family Foundation was a $100,000, four-year gift to Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) supporting the organization’s citizenship program.
South Florida has the third largest population of legal permanent residents (LPR’s) in the country. Today, there are nearly 500,000 individuals in South Florida who are eligible for U.S. citizenship. The Levan Family Foundation’s gift will support 20+ HUF citizenship centers across Broward and Miami-Dade counties; they will assist 13,000 aspiring citizens achieve their American dream of U.S. citizenship.
The legacy of the Susie and Alan B. Levan Family Foundation will impact the financial futures of the program participants they support. Naturalized citizens experience an increase in employment, wages, and homeownership. As a result of citizenship, our communities benefit from an increase in tax revenues, as well as a decrease in the use of public benefits.
About the Susie & Alan B. Levan Family Foundation:
The Susie and Alan B. Levan Family Foundation, Inc. is organized as a 501C3 nonprofit to provide funding for a broad range of worthy causes including social, health, education and the arts as determined from time to time by the Levan family Directors of the Foundation.
Learn more about Susie Levan (bio here) and Alan B. Levan (bio here).
Click here to read Susan and Alan B. Levan Press Release